Coaching Services
If you have a desire to get clear, reach big goals, take more action or to increase your motivation, I can help support you. Your success this year will not be accomplished by using the same playbook you have used in years past.
Success will be earned by those who evolve, stay ahead of trends, think outside the box, utilize every resource available and begin NOW!
My strength is in training/coaching and mentoring on the mindset of success. As you know, it is the success-mindset that governs success. Our problem is never about the problem; it’s about how we think about the problem. The problem is in our thinking.
I want an opportunity to support you or your team's success.
“Everything we do at Performance with Power is focused on making a greater impact in the world. When we increase one person’s success, we are making that greater impact.”
Introduction Training
Introduction Training is commonplace for teams that feel the need for a little pick me up of inspiration or a motivation boost from an outside source on occasion. These small yet impactful sessions can often accomplish that and more. Many companies that now utilize us in a much more advanced coaching/mentorship role started with the introduction training. The secondary benefit to this training is that this is an opportunity to earn trust and build a relationship with your leadership through demonstration, feedback, and results. These meetings are live (in person) or online through a variety of platforms. If you’ve never had a live training from Performance With Power, please reach out for your complimentary session.
20-Minute Team Inspiration
2-Hour Workshop
Team Workshop
Team Workshop has an amazing and dynamic benefit to it. Let’s start with the fact that your team is probably overdue to hear a NEW VOICE, engage in a NEW ACTIVITY in the workplace and to have an experience that is a designed as a PATTERN INTERRUPT. Through conversation and analysis on what your current needs are, and how we can best serve your leadership and the team, we're prepared to share our best workshop experience yet! We can provide recommendations or take your lead with guidance on what exactly it is you want to accomplish. This experience is not a conventional training: you know, the blah blah blah…I’ve heard this stuff before, dull and slightly impactful type of training. This WORKSHOP is ROBUST, fully engaged and inclusive of the entire team as well as impactful well beyond our time together.
1/2-Day to 3-Day Training Sessions
Advanced Individual or Team Programs
Are you curious or serious about your success? If you’re reading this, that’s an important question to ask yourself. I’m going to go out on a limb an guess you’re serious. They say that repetition is the mother of learning. The Advanced Individual or Team Programs are what light me up the most. These programs are the most comprehensive and impactful tools to help create sustainable change in results. It’s easy for me to share a two-day training and get some immediate results, but "lasting results" are an entirely different ball game. Sustainable results require a deeper dive, more practice and a broader understanding of what tools each of us has access to and more importantly how to use them to our advantage. These programs are the “Real Deal” for those that are serious about change and creating BIG RESULTS.
6 Weeks or 12 Weeks of Weekly Coaching Sessions
Digital Files to include Workbooks, Tools, Documents
Vision Calibration and Feedback Session
Reading Materials
Mid Program - Progress Analysis
100% Confidentiality Coaching
Additional Video Training Points
Speaking Engagements
Many organizations or groups would love to have a fully engaged, high powered, professional and prepared speaker for their event. I’ve been speaking on stage for many years and love entertaining audiences, but more importantly for me is to make enough impact on the audience that someone takes New Action to increase their results. One of my mentors taught me that inspiration without action is merely entertainment. I’m looking to share with passion some specific knowledge and know-how for the attendees to take immediate ACTION to create the RESULTS the desire.
Great for:
Company Events
Launch/Kick-Off Meetings
Annual Celebrations
Private Events
Guest Speaker/Fill in
Armed Services
Awards Ceremony
Sporting Events
Leadership Trainings
1. Strategic ALLIANCE ‘additional’ support
Much is expected of today’s leaders; Your schedules are full! Chris understands this because he has managed many successful sales teams. Leaders recognize the value of teaching their teams about personal accountability, vision, and ‘success-principle’ thinking. The desire is there, but finding the time to do this at the “highest level” is often missed! Chris provides that much needed ‘additional’ support with his motivational and training expertise. Leaders can save time and stay focused on their core competencies creating unprecedented success. This partnership is a win-win! It’s like having another resource available to support the team’s success.
2. Effective Influence
Often teams become complacent and “tone deaf ” to the same leader’s message. Support from outside influences has been proven to be highly effective. Chris is an expert at helping determine the perfect deliverables for your team. He will support and emphasize the strategies and vision the leaders are looking to develop. Chris’s proven training methodologies work to get your specific message to your team in an highly, effective manner.
3. Provide Added Value
Leaders are constantly tasked with bringing tangible value to their team. The challenge is developing fresh ideas and compelling messages that inspire greatness. Thankfully, Chris has already done the heavy lifting! With more than ten years as his full-time vocation, Chris’ approach to team-building encourages learning and self-improvement, both during his workshops and long after their conclusion.